The Wonderful #MSWL

Manuscript Wishlist is many things: a concept, a website, and a hashtag. 

First and foremost, it’s a way for agents to convey what they’re looking for. It answers the question, “what do you want to see in your inbox?” 

This started with, which is a fantastic resource for anyone looking for an agent. It’s run by a team of writers who have curated a website where agents (and editors) can post their wish lists. These wish lists can get incredibly specific, or they can be fairly broad. Regardless, they’re helpful when you’re looking for agents who might be interested in your query, since they often give much more detail than an agency bio. 

Manuscript Wishlist has also migrated over to twitter, where agents post specific asks using the hashtag #MSWL. If you search the hashtag, it’s also a great way to find agents who are looking for books like yours. If you follow agents, you’ll get to see when they post a specific #mswl request, and that can be helpful in tailoring your query letter. 

One note of caution: many agents have stated that they don’t like their manuscript wishlists being quoted back to them in query letters. Avoid copying and pasting their own #MSWL requests, but use the information to tailor your query letter to the agent - i.e. if they request a book set in a haunted house, and your book is set in a haunted house, make sure you mention it even if you wouldn’t ordinarily mention the setting in your query. 


What Not to Do When an Agent is Closed to Queries


What to Expect When You’re Expecting (a Response to Your Query)