Do You Need to Drop $$ on a Query Package Critique?

There are a number of freelance editors who offer “query critique packages” - editorial packages that usually include the query letter, synopsis, and first pages. I’m one of them. Do you need to pay for one of these to have a successful query? 

Absolutely not. I am saying this as someone who makes money by editing query packages, so trust me on this.

Before you pay for editing on your query package, you can (and probably should) exhaust all free resources you have available to you. Show your query materials to your critique partners and beta readers. Compare your query letter to the ones on QueryShark (or submit yourself!). Look through websites like this one to make sure your query letter and synopsis are properly formatted and contain the right information. Look at the examples of successful query letters that I have right here on this website.

You should make sure that your query is in tip-top shape using these resources, then send it out to your first batch of agents. If you get any requests for more material, great! Your query package is doing what it needs to do. If you don’t, and you go back to your writing network and they have no suggestions for how to improve, and you have the resources to afford it, you might want to consider a query critique. (If you don’t, then go back to your free resources mentioned above, and retool your query yourself!)

An intermediate option is to look for query package critique giveaways on Twitter. There are agents and editors who give away feedback for free. But you have to be careful - anyone can advertise a query critique on Twitter, and it doesn’t mean they’ll give you good advice. Look for agents from reputable agencies, freelance editors, or authors who have published or are agented**. And, you can enter lots of giveaways, but it doesn’t mean you’ll win. 

If you’re able to afford it, and you want to get verified good feedback right away, look into agents who offer editing services, or freelance editors with loads of positive testimonials. These professionals will be able to give you industry insight, help you with comps, and make your query content shine. 

I’ve found that most query package editing services run from $70-200 USD. Ask for referrals before you hire someone, and be wary of anyone who can’t provide client referrals. 

(And a bit of self-promotion: if you’re interested in editing services, check out my editing services.)

**This is not to say that agented authors are any better than non-agented authors. I have no patience for that nonsense, at all. Every agented author was once un-agented, and having an agent didn’t magically make them into a better writer. But, I recommend looking for agented authors for query critique giveaways, only because by virtue of them having an agent, you know that these authors were able to craft at least one successful query.


Querying a Picture Book


Building A Writing Team: CPs, Alphas, and Betas